
back to school.

I have to say now sadly, that my last "big-summer-holiday", slowly (actually pretty fast) comes to an end. Only one out of six and a half weeks are left. I can't bear this. I am going to do my A-Levels in about seven months. :O
That's also one reason, why I fear that this blog won't be that active. I'll have to learn a looot and won't be able to post that much. :(

Nevertheless I just wanted to "talk" a bit about my "preparation" for school and relaxing during holiday. 

First: I have been to IKEA and got me college blocks where I can plan and schedule everything, with school, work and stuff.

Second: Slept as long as I could every day. 

Third and most important thing: I haven't done anything for school during my holiday, because I wanted to relax and don't even think about the stress and obligations of next year. 

I am very glad and happy, that I am able to go to school and have an education, even though I'll have to get up at 6.30 am every morning. :( 

Love, Amina x

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